Sunday, June 6, 2004

PowerBlog Review: Duct Tape Marketing

Editor's note: This is the seventeenth in our popular weekly series of PowerBlog Reviews of other weblogs...

The Duct Tape Marketing weblog is a great resource for small businesses.

And don't you just love the name? It is so appropriate for a weblog targeted toward small businesses. It signifies -- at least to me -- the epitome of being a small business person, i.e., having to use whatever material is at hand to get the job done.

I mean, think about it. How many uses can you make of duct tape? How frequently do you use it to do an emergency patch job -- a patch job that works just fine, by the way? That exactly captures the mentality of being in a small business, where you make do with the resources available -- and get along just fine.

The Duct Tape Marketing weblog is published by John Jantsch, a marketing coach, consultant, speaker, writer, and author located in Kansas City, Missouri, USA.

According to his companion website,, John has been advising small businesses for over 15 years. He uses his weblog as a place to provide fresh content in the form of advice and how-to's for small businesses.

What I like best about this blog is the way the advice is extremely practical and hands-on. While John clearly demonstrates a grasp of marketing theory, he knows that small businesses need practical guidance delivered in easily digestible bites. After all, the person responsible for marketing in a small business probably wears several hats and doesn't have a lot of spare time -- he or she wants to cut to the chase quickly.

He also gears his advice toward a small business's size. There's no sense talking about marketing advice that the average small business can't implement because it is too complicated, too expensive or too out-of-touch with the business's way of doing business.

A recent weblog post illustrates what I mean about practical advice geared specifically for small business. The post is all about using photos in testimonials. John says:

"Instead of simply listing your clients and telling about the results you have delivered, take a photo of every one of your clients using your product, meeting with you, doing something goofy involving your name brand.

The power behind this technique is incredible. Suddenly, you can offer tons of proof that people are happy with your company."
The Duct Tape Marketing blog covers the entire range of marketing for small businesses. There are other weblogs that cover one slice of marketing: online marketing, search engine marketing, marketing communications, branding, etc. But Duct Tape Marketing covers it all.

The Power: The Power of the Duct Tape Marketing weblog is in its practical, hands-on marketing advice targeted specifically for small businesses. And the way it provides a full-range of marketing advice for a small business. For any small business, it is worth reading regularly.

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