Friday, November 5, 2004

Is the U.S. Losing its Innovation Leadership?

Fast Company magazine's November 2004 feature article is about the "top 101 ideas, people and trends for 2005."

In typical Fast Company fashion, at least half of the items are what I would consider short-lived fads that will come and go -- very fast.

But mixed in here and there are some solid global trends and important products and concepts shaping the future. These we can expect to have lasting impact.

Here's one that I find important to pay attention to:
Number 3: Over There -- and Staying

Once upon a time, the United States nurtured innovation and then exported it to the rest of the world. But American venture capitalists say that more and more technology is being developed abroad and marketed to burgeoning regions, bypassing our own shores completely. Partly it's because the United States lags in crucial areas such as mobile communications. And Asia isn't just a source of cheaper labor for U.S. companies -- it's a huge end market of its own, accounting for 22% of worldwide info-tech consumption. India, especially, is beginning to develop its own entrepreneurial culture. Leading Silicon Valley VCs from firms such as Sequoia and Kleiner Perkins are rushing over to hunt for deals. The risk is that the influx of talent that used to come to America, bringing with it great energy and innovation, will start to stay home.
Go over to Fast Company and read the entire list. You can even enter your vote for number 101. The best idea will be published in the January edition.

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