Sunday, October 3, 2004

PowerBlog Review: Hispanic Trending

Editor's note: We're very pleased to bring you the thirty-third in our regular weekly series of PowerBlog Reviews of business weblogs...

This week we are reviewing Hispanic Trending, a blog by Juan Tornoe.

This is a really interesting blog focusing on -- you guessed it -- Hispanic trends in the United States. Or, as the title says, "A Latino Marketing and Advertising Blog."

Juan is a marketing and advertising professional who according to his "About" section has masterminded and spearheaded the Hispanic branch of Wizard of Ads, known in Spanish as El Mago de la Publicidad.

This is a super resource for finding just about anything that deals with Hispanics and Hispanic culture, attitudes and behaviors.

Want to find out about Hispanic population growth trends? You'll find it at Hispanic Trending.

Interested in learning more about Latino baseball players in the United States? You'll find it.

How about the Latino influence on fashion? Or whether unions are courting Hispanics? Yes, you will find that information, too.

In addition to the broad, comprehensive coverage of all things Latino, you also will find an extensive set of links to Hispanic advertising, marketing, business and media sites. This is about as comprehensive a set of links as you will find anywhere on Hispanic issues affecting the United States. Some are in English and some are in Spanish. (Don't read Spanish? Try the Google translator.)

One of the many wonderful things about this blog is the way it raises awareness. Before frequenting this blog, I had no idea how far-reaching the Hispanic influence is in the United States.

Through Juan's blog I discovered that Latinos are not concentrated just in the Southwest and border states with Mexico, but are relocating to the deepest corners of America. And Latinos are an extremely diverse ethnic group within the U.S. They originate from many countries, not just Mexico and Puerto Rico as stereotypes might suggest.

And as he points out through the following quote of the former head of the U.S. Hispanic Chamber of Commerce, the Hispanics are opening businesses and becoming more influential in the United States, even when it comes to politics:

"As each successive wave of immigrants has come to America and taken its place in the economic mainstream, with time, its attitudes and preferences have changed. It only stands to reason that the concerns of a recent immigrant will change greatly as that individual buys a home, opens a business and raises a family in the new country.

This evolution is now happening to Hispanics. A new study confirms that as significant numbers of Hispanics begin to open businesses and raise families, their political views are changing in ways one wouldn't have anticipated."

The Power: The Power of the Hispanic Trending blog is in its comprehensive coverage of trends, news and events involving Hispanics in the United States. Hispanic Trending raises our awareness of the growing importance and influence of Latinos, and helps us understand this population segment far better than we did.

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